Monday, September 7, 2009

Long time no post...

Ok... so it's been way too long since I updated this and a ton has happened in the interim.

As I feared, if I slow down on my posting, the task of updating the blog begins to look daunting and then it becomes easier and easier to think "let's just kill things today instead of taking the time to update that silly blog that it doesn't seem like much of anyone is reading anyway..."

But I've gotten a few nice comments in local and see a few of you following here.. and besides, I'm mostly writing for me anyway. I like having a place to look back on the adventures of the universe of Eve.

It's been an eventful place lately. My corporation, HOW has started actively recruiting (contact GenePool Chlorinator in game if you're interested) and we've really been pretty successful in the WHorage activities.

I'll give mini-reports on the most exciting kills, but I've managed to make over 1.5b in loot in the last couple weeks from mostly solo kills.

We've also done a little hi-sec ganking, and while terribly boring (and it leads to ratting which is even MORE boring) can be highly profitable. Unfortunately, I've gotten very few interesting hatemails. It seems the quality of emorage comments in local and eve-mail has drastically declined since the last time I did this sort of thing.

In any case, on to the updates..

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