Saturday, September 19, 2009

I love my corp!

After a relatively slow night camping a class 3 WormHole while I was taking care of some stuff in real life I finally had a buzzard come in and start probing a bit.

I think he was the world's worst prober as he spent forever with probes out and ended up not really finding anything of note.

While he was probing, he had alliance mates starting to gather in the system outside. Over the course of an hour, their gang (which started with just a NightHawk) built up to the Nighthawk, 2 Drakes, a Hurricane and a Deimos.

I was losing patience with them as it was taking them forever to get marshalled and come in. My only solace was knowing that they were spending so much time gathering and we'd put an abrupt end to it.

That fight was definitely more than I wanted to take with just a Proteus and a Maelstrom, but fortunately for me, my corpmates were active and just as bloodthirsty as I.

Tarkis was in his trusty pilgrim, and Hanius Valm was flying a dominix. A little extra firepower in these situations is ALWAYS welcome.

The nighthawk, deimos, drake, drake and hurricane all warped to an anomaly (which is why I can't figure out why they wasted all that time probing) and started killing sleepers.

This is massive overkill in a class 3, but maybe they just figured they had safety in numbers.

They were wrong.

Once they brought in their catalyst salvager (who was their eyes on the WH) we got stacked up and ready to go.

gutted decloaked and tackled the Nighthawk (as he was the ship most likely to have shinies) and called for backup.

The Deimos decided to try and help his buddy but carebear instincts kicked in for all the rest of them.

We ended up splashing the Nighthawk and the Deimos but being relatively disappointed with the loot.

50m in loot, but nothing sexy. I know.. we're spoiled.

In any case, all those BCs going back and forth had worn the WH down to where it looked like only one of us was going back through before it collapsed. GenePool went first as he had no probe launcher and of course, that collapsed it.

gutted had already found an entrance to low-sec, but we didn't know where it would dump us out.

Of course it ended up being 45 jumps away :(

We decided to go safest route back to empire (13 jumps of low-sec) and then auto-pilot our way back home.

After 4-5 jumps of emptiness, we came into a system with a few in local.

gutted scanned around and found an Abaddon, drake, and Caldari Navy Raven on scan. This wasn't going to be so bad after all!

After dropping probes to get on top of the raven, I warped in and tackled and we brought in the backup.

They weren't hitting hard at all and of course none of them had a point. The raven was dropping quickly but not as fast as I ultimately would've wanted. They had friends in local.

As the Raven entered structure a Chimera showed up in the anomaly with us.

Fortunately, we were able to finish the CNR off before the Chimera could get reps on him.

Had we more pilots, it would've been fun to try and down the carrier, but as it was, it was time to go.

While this wasn't the best loot I'd gotten in a long shot, this was probably the most fun I'd had with HOW since I started the WHorage and Pillaging experience.

I probably would've shied away from both of these fights had it been just me, but with friends, they were definitely a blast!

HOW is recruiting as I'd love to take on larger and larger engagements and have the capabilities to pursue new opportunities to do evil and profit!

The alliance tournament will finish up this weekend and War Decs will be starting back up soon.

Stay posted (and drop GenePool Chlorinator a line in game if you're interested in joining us)!


  1. Man you post way too many posts! It's hard to keep up D:
