I was checking out random wormholes while waiting for the wars to start.
What was this? A Large Amarr Control Tower with Mobile Labs and Corp Hangars and no Force Field?
This was worth checking out!
I found the POS with the proteus only to see it had an "Onlining Timer" at 26 minutes. This was going to have to go quick!
I quickly brought in the Maelstrom and started blowing stuff up while putting out the call on Comms.
"Bring a Hauler! This is gonna be great!"
Only one pilot was close enough to make it before the POS finished onlining and Tarkis jumped in a Bestower.
As he was getting closer, I sent gutted back to snag an iteron. The mobile labs had nothing, but there were a TON of jet cans from the Corp Hangar wrecks.
I started categorizing the stuff to grab with Genepool in a separate can to make it quick. Most of the arrays were down but the timer was down to 5 minutes.
gutted gave Tarkis a warp in to the outside of the wormhole with his newly acquired Iteron IV and we went to the POS together.
gutted was able to fit most of the good loot in her hauler (250-350m of T2, best named, and reaction stuff) and Tarkis didn't quite have room for the POS stuff in his.
It was at that point that I noticed the ship hangar array. How could I have missed it?
I started in on it and it popped quickly.
We were down to about 4 minutes on the online timer at this point.
An Orca, Osprey, Hulk, shuttle and a Harbinger popped out of the hangar array.
Since Tarkis' bestower was empty, he quickly swapped to the Harbinger (fully fitted and rigged with a mix of T2 and best named) and we started in on the Orca.
It and the hulk went down fairly fast. We were down to 1 minute on the timer when I aligned Gene and gutted to get them out of there.
Tarkis stuck around and finished off the Osprey and the shuttle.
Dead POS stuff here.
Unfortunately, no mails from the ships. :(
Hi GenePool Chlorinator,
Thank you for contacting customer support.
I'm afraid there is no kill mail for those ships which were stored in a ship maintenance array as no pilots were in those ships. Thanks.
Best regards,
GM Valentine
While all of the above was going on, 2 Ravens had come into the system and started killing my friends the sleepers.
We came back in combat ships after we'd finished the hauling and finished the first Raven.
Unfortunately, the second one got away before we were able to tackle it.
However, we slowed down on killing the first one so that everyone could get on the mail. Funny enough, the second raven came back in right as the first one popped. I guess he thought maybe he could turn the tide since we were taking a bit longer to kill his buddy.
He was wrong.
All in all another good day.
No thank you notes from the Sleeper's yet.
But none are needed to be honest. I sleep better knowing I'm doing my part.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Walk a Mile - POS Ops
While waiting for the wars to start, I continued scanning wormholes for Sleeper Harassers.
A couple of drakes in a class 3 wormhole were exploiting sleeper targets when I found them. One of the drakes was able to retreat to the safety of his POS next door. One was not.
As I warped in to see what else was going on in that POS, I noticed that some of the modules were offlining. Hmmm... this could be interesting.
Unfortunately for me my pilot picked that moment to come down with a severe case of Angular Follicle Kaliculitis (otherwise known as AFK) and I missed some of what was going on.
There was one less pilot in the POS when I recovered and I decided to check next door again to see if he'd gone there.
Damn! I was moments too late. A large Caldari Control Tower was anchoring in the Class 3 POS next door and had 26 minutes to go. I decided to take up an orbit while cloaked and see what came when the POS finished anchoring.
Within minutes of the timer finishing, a Viator uncloaked and started the online timer. I quickly locked him and shut down his warp drive. Not a profitable kill, but maybe I could prevent this corporation from expanded their base of operations against the poor Sleepers. The viator kill was a start.
Going back to watch the original POS I saw them continuing to unanchor modules as they seemed to be preparing to move them to the newly onlined POS next door.
I let a few cov ops ships fly back and forth unmolested before finally I saw what I'd been waiting for. Their orca was picking up all the newly unanchored mods and started to align towards the wormhole.
By this time, I had had a few more friends ask if they could join in on the fun and, my primary interest being the protection of the Sleepers, I of course said they were welcome to join the party.
As I realized the Orca was on the move, I made sure we had cloaked pilots on either side of the wormhole he was going to and waited for the action. It wasn't long before he was well and truly tackled and going down hard and fast.
We were well on the way to ruining the profitability of this particular venture. It was a good day's work.
It got even better when I decided to check on the tower that had only gotten one small bit of fuel into it one last time before I returned to k-space and docked up for the night.
The force field was down and they'd started the unanchoring process. I watched the timer count down and then ran off the Iteron Mark V they sent in to scoop it (I just decloaked as he came through the wormhole so he'd realize his efforts were futile. I didn't want to have to risk the tower getting destroyed in the inevitable hauler explosion).
The only problem was that the WormHole I'd been using to enter this system had recently collapsed. I launched probes and started scanning while I orbitted the offline and unanchored POS in the proteus.
Fortunately for me, I was able to find an entrance to hi-sec with a hauler only 1 jump from the Wormhole entrance. I'd have to trust that they were too scared of me to scoop the hauler in my absence. God Bless the fact that there is no local communication channel in WormHoles as this was the only thing that would give me a chance.
Session timers and warps never felt so long as when I rushed out to jump in a hauler and return.
\o/ Yay!! The tower was still there. 365,000,000 isk I can now apply to efforts against those who are too callous to walk a mile in the shoes of their victims.
A couple of drakes in a class 3 wormhole were exploiting sleeper targets when I found them. One of the drakes was able to retreat to the safety of his POS next door. One was not.
As I warped in to see what else was going on in that POS, I noticed that some of the modules were offlining. Hmmm... this could be interesting.
Unfortunately for me my pilot picked that moment to come down with a severe case of Angular Follicle Kaliculitis (otherwise known as AFK) and I missed some of what was going on.
There was one less pilot in the POS when I recovered and I decided to check next door again to see if he'd gone there.
Damn! I was moments too late. A large Caldari Control Tower was anchoring in the Class 3 POS next door and had 26 minutes to go. I decided to take up an orbit while cloaked and see what came when the POS finished anchoring.
Within minutes of the timer finishing, a Viator uncloaked and started the online timer. I quickly locked him and shut down his warp drive. Not a profitable kill, but maybe I could prevent this corporation from expanded their base of operations against the poor Sleepers. The viator kill was a start.
Going back to watch the original POS I saw them continuing to unanchor modules as they seemed to be preparing to move them to the newly onlined POS next door.
I let a few cov ops ships fly back and forth unmolested before finally I saw what I'd been waiting for. Their orca was picking up all the newly unanchored mods and started to align towards the wormhole.
By this time, I had had a few more friends ask if they could join in on the fun and, my primary interest being the protection of the Sleepers, I of course said they were welcome to join the party.
As I realized the Orca was on the move, I made sure we had cloaked pilots on either side of the wormhole he was going to and waited for the action. It wasn't long before he was well and truly tackled and going down hard and fast.
We were well on the way to ruining the profitability of this particular venture. It was a good day's work.
It got even better when I decided to check on the tower that had only gotten one small bit of fuel into it one last time before I returned to k-space and docked up for the night.
The force field was down and they'd started the unanchoring process. I watched the timer count down and then ran off the Iteron Mark V they sent in to scoop it (I just decloaked as he came through the wormhole so he'd realize his efforts were futile. I didn't want to have to risk the tower getting destroyed in the inevitable hauler explosion).
The only problem was that the WormHole I'd been using to enter this system had recently collapsed. I launched probes and started scanning while I orbitted the offline and unanchored POS in the proteus.
Fortunately for me, I was able to find an entrance to hi-sec with a hauler only 1 jump from the Wormhole entrance. I'd have to trust that they were too scared of me to scoop the hauler in my absence. God Bless the fact that there is no local communication channel in WormHoles as this was the only thing that would give me a chance.
Session timers and warps never felt so long as when I rushed out to jump in a hauler and return.
\o/ Yay!! The tower was still there. 365,000,000 isk I can now apply to efforts against those who are too callous to walk a mile in the shoes of their victims.
Walk a Mile - Phase 2 (The Navy's Protector)
Concurrent to the previous activities noted I had been doing the necessary research to implement phase 2 of my plan. As I reviewed the activities of those who perpetrated crimes against the Navies of Eve it quickly became obvious to me who the worst offenders were.
If you're flying a ship made by one of the Navy or Pirate factions of Eve then you are quite obviously a terrible offender. As I observed pilots go about their activities for a certain agent in Dodixie I discovered an even better way to see which capsuleers among the hordes of offenders in this particular system needed to be made an example of.
Enter the ship scanner.
It seems that some pilots have the gall to kill Officers of the various Factions and then use their own heavily modified equipment against their comrades. These pilots obviously needed killing.
After researching three corporations flying ships either made with artifacts from my Beloved Sleepers (and generally fit with modified equipment made by the various Navies) or flying faction ships, I was ready to declare war on the oppressors of Eve.
Shortly after the Eve-Mails declaring war went out I received this response:
2009.09.24 22:21
Just to make you aware, Black Salmon is closely affiliated with Fidelas Constans. Very Closely Affiliated. I'll make this short, if you are determined to continue down this path, you will be fighting FCon, either due to us accepting them into our alliance, or Fcon war deccing you.
Just to let you know what you will be getting into:
Lupus Aurelius
A closer review of these CVA pets killboard shows that they have 59% efficiency for the month. I'm not sure I'd have posted a killboard link if my efficiency were that poor.
Ah well... I can only hope they get involved!
More to follow as the wars develop properly.
If you're flying a ship made by one of the Navy or Pirate factions of Eve then you are quite obviously a terrible offender. As I observed pilots go about their activities for a certain agent in Dodixie I discovered an even better way to see which capsuleers among the hordes of offenders in this particular system needed to be made an example of.
Enter the ship scanner.
It seems that some pilots have the gall to kill Officers of the various Factions and then use their own heavily modified equipment against their comrades. These pilots obviously needed killing.
After researching three corporations flying ships either made with artifacts from my Beloved Sleepers (and generally fit with modified equipment made by the various Navies) or flying faction ships, I was ready to declare war on the oppressors of Eve.
Shortly after the Eve-Mails declaring war went out I received this response:
2009.09.24 22:21
Just to make you aware, Black Salmon is closely affiliated with Fidelas Constans. Very Closely Affiliated. I'll make this short, if you are determined to continue down this path, you will be fighting FCon, either due to us accepting them into our alliance, or Fcon war deccing you.
Just to let you know what you will be getting into:
Lupus Aurelius
A closer review of these CVA pets killboard shows that they have 59% efficiency for the month. I'm not sure I'd have posted a killboard link if my efficiency were that poor.
Ah well... I can only hope they get involved!
More to follow as the wars develop properly.
Walk a Mile - Young Pilots Learn Lessons
With a renewed sense of purpose I took a deep breath and suited up for a hard day's work. It was time to carryout God's will for my life.
After flying around a bit I located a WormHole and watched a Typhoon class battleship enter the complex. Being a fan of minmatar ships myself, I was well aware of this ship's capabilities. Something told me the pilot wasn't on a humanitarian mission.
I let him go through and followed about 2 minutes later. On a whim, I warped straight to planet I at zero km. This pilot was there and already had core scanner probes out. He was definitely looking for Sleepers to harass. Lock him up, orbit, and splash a Typhoon. A quick scan of his wreck confirmed that this guy definitely wasn't bringing cake and cookies to the party.
Let this be a lesson for you other capsuleers. Predictability is bad mmmkay!?!
Later that same day I found a Drake and Dominix actively murdering Sleepers. The Sleepers were valiantly trying to defend themselves but were obviously overmatched. Even though we saw a Hurricane, a Falcon and a Brutix on scan, myself and my corp mates decided that something must be done! We couldn't stand to watch those poor sleepers get butchered!
My corp mate Tarkis (in a pilgrim) closed on the dominix and started orbiting him while cloaked. Gutted entered the wormhole in his proteus and warped (uncloaked) to Tarkis' ship at zero kilometers to make sure we didn't miss the drake as well. Quickly applying points to both we brought in the cavalry for the kills.
The hurricane and brutix pilot left us alone for the initial fight, but we found them at a planet later. We decided not to run the risk of allowing these pilots to Re-aggress the Sleepers after we'd left. Better safe than sorry!
We were unable to get warp scramblers on either the brutix (he abandoned his friends way too fast for that) or the falcon (stayed at too far of a range) but the hurricane died the death he deserved.
As we left the wormhole, my comms flashed. It was a mail from the Dominix pilot.
It seems we had actually done some good that day! Pilots DO learn lessons taught at the school of hard knocks. I'm unsure the Sleepers were better off for our activities, but the capsuleers learned a valuable lesson:
2009.09.21 04:02
heh, you guys owned us hard.. I even saw your probes on scan.. dunno why we didnt get out immediately. the greed I guess.. I wanted the salvage. when I saw the T3 ship on scan with the name: Its too late now I was like uh oh.... :P
classic moment
anyway, nice gank guys. were both new to the game and learnt an important lesson today. :P
After flying around a bit I located a WormHole and watched a Typhoon class battleship enter the complex. Being a fan of minmatar ships myself, I was well aware of this ship's capabilities. Something told me the pilot wasn't on a humanitarian mission.
I let him go through and followed about 2 minutes later. On a whim, I warped straight to planet I at zero km. This pilot was there and already had core scanner probes out. He was definitely looking for Sleepers to harass. Lock him up, orbit, and splash a Typhoon. A quick scan of his wreck confirmed that this guy definitely wasn't bringing cake and cookies to the party.
Let this be a lesson for you other capsuleers. Predictability is bad mmmkay!?!
Later that same day I found a Drake and Dominix actively murdering Sleepers. The Sleepers were valiantly trying to defend themselves but were obviously overmatched. Even though we saw a Hurricane, a Falcon and a Brutix on scan, myself and my corp mates decided that something must be done! We couldn't stand to watch those poor sleepers get butchered!
My corp mate Tarkis (in a pilgrim) closed on the dominix and started orbiting him while cloaked. Gutted entered the wormhole in his proteus and warped (uncloaked) to Tarkis' ship at zero kilometers to make sure we didn't miss the drake as well. Quickly applying points to both we brought in the cavalry for the kills.
The hurricane and brutix pilot left us alone for the initial fight, but we found them at a planet later. We decided not to run the risk of allowing these pilots to Re-aggress the Sleepers after we'd left. Better safe than sorry!
We were unable to get warp scramblers on either the brutix (he abandoned his friends way too fast for that) or the falcon (stayed at too far of a range) but the hurricane died the death he deserved.
As we left the wormhole, my comms flashed. It was a mail from the Dominix pilot.
It seems we had actually done some good that day! Pilots DO learn lessons taught at the school of hard knocks. I'm unsure the Sleepers were better off for our activities, but the capsuleers learned a valuable lesson:
2009.09.21 04:02
heh, you guys owned us hard.. I even saw your probes on scan.. dunno why we didnt get out immediately. the greed I guess.. I wanted the salvage. when I saw the T3 ship on scan with the name: Its too late now I was like uh oh.... :P
classic moment
anyway, nice gank guys. were both new to the game and learnt an important lesson today. :P
Walk a Mile - Protector of the Unloved
As the Alliance Tourney drew to a close and I moved back over to HOW to pursue my first love, I realized something. I enjoyed the hunting and the stalking and the killing and of course the looting, but what I lacked was a sense of direction, a higher cause.
In short, my activities lacked purpose, and other the upward mobility of my pocket book, direction as well.
All men need something to strive for in order to motivate their activities. Increasing my personal wealth at other's expense wasn't going to be enough. As I reminisced over my recent activities I realized the real victims were the poor Faction Navy pilots and Sleepers who were being mercilessly exploited for the gain of my fellow capsuleers. No one considered the plight of these pilots.
I'm not certain, but I'd guess the Faction Navy recruiter failed to mention that 20+ BattleShips piloted by their most senior comrades would fail to be enough to take down even one similar class ship piloted by a capsuleer. These guys definitely needed help...
And the Sleepers? Every pilot gets a beacon alert as they warp into Sleeper controlled territory that indicates that the Sleepers just want to be left alone. Heck, their very name shouts it. These narcoleptic pilots / drones certainly didn't ask for the hordes of pilots that have descended upon their territory to exploit the wealth that they protect.
And so it was done, I had my mission... I had my purpose.
Now to exact my vengeance upon those who would exploit the pilots of Eve without the means to properly protect themselves or the ability to actively mete out revenge upon those would visit pain upon them.
It was time to force those capsuleers that would thoughtlessly murder the Faction Navy and Sleepers of Eve to Walk a Mile in the shoes of their victims.
In short, my activities lacked purpose, and other the upward mobility of my pocket book, direction as well.
All men need something to strive for in order to motivate their activities. Increasing my personal wealth at other's expense wasn't going to be enough. As I reminisced over my recent activities I realized the real victims were the poor Faction Navy pilots and Sleepers who were being mercilessly exploited for the gain of my fellow capsuleers. No one considered the plight of these pilots.
I'm not certain, but I'd guess the Faction Navy recruiter failed to mention that 20+ BattleShips piloted by their most senior comrades would fail to be enough to take down even one similar class ship piloted by a capsuleer. These guys definitely needed help...
And the Sleepers? Every pilot gets a beacon alert as they warp into Sleeper controlled territory that indicates that the Sleepers just want to be left alone. Heck, their very name shouts it. These narcoleptic pilots / drones certainly didn't ask for the hordes of pilots that have descended upon their territory to exploit the wealth that they protect.
And so it was done, I had my mission... I had my purpose.
Now to exact my vengeance upon those who would exploit the pilots of Eve without the means to properly protect themselves or the ability to actively mete out revenge upon those would visit pain upon them.
It was time to force those capsuleers that would thoughtlessly murder the Faction Navy and Sleepers of Eve to Walk a Mile in the shoes of their victims.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Alliance Tourney Finals
Alliance Tourney VII was a really good time but by the end of it I was ready to make it back to HOW and get things started there again.
It might've had something to do with the setups we were using but I found it hard to get excited for the last couple of fights.
We ended up beating Morsus Mihi in the first match of the finals with a mostly Caldari setup plus myself and some other folks in small non-caldari ships.
It was a convincing win against a huge alliance and it kept them from automatically getting a berth next year while guaranteeing us one. Given all the drama about Morsus Mihi's 'relevance' and how they should be guaranteed a spot I thought it was pretty cool to be a part of knocking them out.
Our next match was against Manifest Destiny and I thought we had it in the bag as the match started. We had mostly the same Caldari ranged team against a rook, guardian, 2 tengus, 2 proteus's an ishkur and some other small stuff.
We popped their rook and some other small stuff without losing a ship. Then our target calling went awry and we tried a few targets before realizing the guardian really wasn't a bait guardian.
He died fast once we targeted him, but it was too late. We ended up having our tengu still on the field against their tengu and proteus when time ran out.
It was close... but not close enough.
As I said at the beginning, the Alliance Tourney was a lot of fun, but I'm glad to get back to normal.
The blog needs a new theme, and I think I know where I want to go with it from here.
Stay tuned for a new direction.
It might've had something to do with the setups we were using but I found it hard to get excited for the last couple of fights.
We ended up beating Morsus Mihi in the first match of the finals with a mostly Caldari setup plus myself and some other folks in small non-caldari ships.
It was a convincing win against a huge alliance and it kept them from automatically getting a berth next year while guaranteeing us one. Given all the drama about Morsus Mihi's 'relevance' and how they should be guaranteed a spot I thought it was pretty cool to be a part of knocking them out.
Our next match was against Manifest Destiny and I thought we had it in the bag as the match started. We had mostly the same Caldari ranged team against a rook, guardian, 2 tengus, 2 proteus's an ishkur and some other small stuff.
We popped their rook and some other small stuff without losing a ship. Then our target calling went awry and we tried a few targets before realizing the guardian really wasn't a bait guardian.
He died fast once we targeted him, but it was too late. We ended up having our tengu still on the field against their tengu and proteus when time ran out.
It was close... but not close enough.
As I said at the beginning, the Alliance Tourney was a lot of fun, but I'm glad to get back to normal.
The blog needs a new theme, and I think I know where I want to go with it from here.
Stay tuned for a new direction.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I love my corp!
After a relatively slow night camping a class 3 WormHole while I was taking care of some stuff in real life I finally had a buzzard come in and start probing a bit.
I think he was the world's worst prober as he spent forever with probes out and ended up not really finding anything of note.
While he was probing, he had alliance mates starting to gather in the system outside. Over the course of an hour, their gang (which started with just a NightHawk) built up to the Nighthawk, 2 Drakes, a Hurricane and a Deimos.
I was losing patience with them as it was taking them forever to get marshalled and come in. My only solace was knowing that they were spending so much time gathering and we'd put an abrupt end to it.
That fight was definitely more than I wanted to take with just a Proteus and a Maelstrom, but fortunately for me, my corpmates were active and just as bloodthirsty as I.
Tarkis was in his trusty pilgrim, and Hanius Valm was flying a dominix. A little extra firepower in these situations is ALWAYS welcome.
The nighthawk, deimos, drake, drake and hurricane all warped to an anomaly (which is why I can't figure out why they wasted all that time probing) and started killing sleepers.
This is massive overkill in a class 3, but maybe they just figured they had safety in numbers.
They were wrong.
Once they brought in their catalyst salvager (who was their eyes on the WH) we got stacked up and ready to go.
gutted decloaked and tackled the Nighthawk (as he was the ship most likely to have shinies) and called for backup.
The Deimos decided to try and help his buddy but carebear instincts kicked in for all the rest of them.
We ended up splashing the Nighthawk and the Deimos but being relatively disappointed with the loot.
50m in loot, but nothing sexy. I know.. we're spoiled.
In any case, all those BCs going back and forth had worn the WH down to where it looked like only one of us was going back through before it collapsed. GenePool went first as he had no probe launcher and of course, that collapsed it.
gutted had already found an entrance to low-sec, but we didn't know where it would dump us out.
Of course it ended up being 45 jumps away :(
We decided to go safest route back to empire (13 jumps of low-sec) and then auto-pilot our way back home.
After 4-5 jumps of emptiness, we came into a system with a few in local.
gutted scanned around and found an Abaddon, drake, and Caldari Navy Raven on scan. This wasn't going to be so bad after all!
After dropping probes to get on top of the raven, I warped in and tackled and we brought in the backup.
They weren't hitting hard at all and of course none of them had a point. The raven was dropping quickly but not as fast as I ultimately would've wanted. They had friends in local.
As the Raven entered structure a Chimera showed up in the anomaly with us.
Fortunately, we were able to finish the CNR off before the Chimera could get reps on him.
Had we more pilots, it would've been fun to try and down the carrier, but as it was, it was time to go.
While this wasn't the best loot I'd gotten in a long shot, this was probably the most fun I'd had with HOW since I started the WHorage and Pillaging experience.
I probably would've shied away from both of these fights had it been just me, but with friends, they were definitely a blast!
HOW is recruiting as I'd love to take on larger and larger engagements and have the capabilities to pursue new opportunities to do evil and profit!
The alliance tournament will finish up this weekend and War Decs will be starting back up soon.
Stay posted (and drop GenePool Chlorinator a line in game if you're interested in joining us)!
I think he was the world's worst prober as he spent forever with probes out and ended up not really finding anything of note.
While he was probing, he had alliance mates starting to gather in the system outside. Over the course of an hour, their gang (which started with just a NightHawk) built up to the Nighthawk, 2 Drakes, a Hurricane and a Deimos.
I was losing patience with them as it was taking them forever to get marshalled and come in. My only solace was knowing that they were spending so much time gathering and we'd put an abrupt end to it.
That fight was definitely more than I wanted to take with just a Proteus and a Maelstrom, but fortunately for me, my corpmates were active and just as bloodthirsty as I.
Tarkis was in his trusty pilgrim, and Hanius Valm was flying a dominix. A little extra firepower in these situations is ALWAYS welcome.
The nighthawk, deimos, drake, drake and hurricane all warped to an anomaly (which is why I can't figure out why they wasted all that time probing) and started killing sleepers.
This is massive overkill in a class 3, but maybe they just figured they had safety in numbers.
They were wrong.
Once they brought in their catalyst salvager (who was their eyes on the WH) we got stacked up and ready to go.
gutted decloaked and tackled the Nighthawk (as he was the ship most likely to have shinies) and called for backup.
The Deimos decided to try and help his buddy but carebear instincts kicked in for all the rest of them.
We ended up splashing the Nighthawk and the Deimos but being relatively disappointed with the loot.
50m in loot, but nothing sexy. I know.. we're spoiled.
In any case, all those BCs going back and forth had worn the WH down to where it looked like only one of us was going back through before it collapsed. GenePool went first as he had no probe launcher and of course, that collapsed it.
gutted had already found an entrance to low-sec, but we didn't know where it would dump us out.
Of course it ended up being 45 jumps away :(
We decided to go safest route back to empire (13 jumps of low-sec) and then auto-pilot our way back home.
After 4-5 jumps of emptiness, we came into a system with a few in local.
gutted scanned around and found an Abaddon, drake, and Caldari Navy Raven on scan. This wasn't going to be so bad after all!
After dropping probes to get on top of the raven, I warped in and tackled and we brought in the backup.
They weren't hitting hard at all and of course none of them had a point. The raven was dropping quickly but not as fast as I ultimately would've wanted. They had friends in local.
As the Raven entered structure a Chimera showed up in the anomaly with us.
Fortunately, we were able to finish the CNR off before the Chimera could get reps on him.
Had we more pilots, it would've been fun to try and down the carrier, but as it was, it was time to go.
While this wasn't the best loot I'd gotten in a long shot, this was probably the most fun I'd had with HOW since I started the WHorage and Pillaging experience.
I probably would've shied away from both of these fights had it been just me, but with friends, they were definitely a blast!
HOW is recruiting as I'd love to take on larger and larger engagements and have the capabilities to pursue new opportunities to do evil and profit!
The alliance tournament will finish up this weekend and War Decs will be starting back up soon.
Stay posted (and drop GenePool Chlorinator a line in game if you're interested in joining us)!
Random Kills and a War Dec Threat!
Killed a rook that was flying with 2 drakes in a class 2 WH and isn't really worth mentioning except that his ship was named 'Yarr! I'm a pirate!'
I couldn't resist posting "No no... I'm the Pirate!" in local! They were good sports about it... a little whine, but mostly GF's all around.
This drake kill was also sorta humorous. He was in a class 1 WH (and BSs can't go through Class 1 WH gates from Empire) running a sleeper site.
I tackled him with gutted but quickly realized the proteus couldn't break his passive tank.
I pulled up contracts with Gene, found a Hurricane on contract (fully fitted), flew 2 jumps away to pick it up, flew back, warped Gene to the WH and then killed the drake.
All while tanking the drakes fire as well as the sleepers.
Doog Timez!
The next morning I got a rather uninspiring Retriever kill in a WH with a large POS and about 12 ships on scan. This was right before work and wasn't able to sign back in for several hours.
When I jumped back into that WH with gutted, there was a Raven sitting on the other side of the WH entrance.
I jumped GenePool in to try and bump the Raven off the WH, and as expected, he jumped through the WH almost immediately.
Pretty much what I expected. I jumped GenePool back through the WH and warped him to a station but left gutted on the other side.
I'd not really even dreamed to hope this, but I heard the WH fire immediately after GenePool warped away.
Knowing the raven was now stuck for 5 minutes I tackled and started orbitting with gutted who basically solo killed him.
He convo'd me immediately after to inform me:
Alissa007 > wardec coming
I can only hope!
Shortly after that they warped a destroyer to the WH entrance at 100km from their POS and cloaked it (gutted was still there and cloaked).
I of course immediately warped gutted to their POS planet and back to the WH at 100km
Decloaked the destroyer and ended him as well.
Of a 7 man corp, I killed 3 of their pilots that day. The retriever, the founder of the corp (in the Raven) and the current CEO of the corp (in the Destroyer).
I somehow doubt they'll war dec me, but it sure would be fun if they did!
I couldn't resist posting "No no... I'm the Pirate!" in local! They were good sports about it... a little whine, but mostly GF's all around.
This drake kill was also sorta humorous. He was in a class 1 WH (and BSs can't go through Class 1 WH gates from Empire) running a sleeper site.
I tackled him with gutted but quickly realized the proteus couldn't break his passive tank.
I pulled up contracts with Gene, found a Hurricane on contract (fully fitted), flew 2 jumps away to pick it up, flew back, warped Gene to the WH and then killed the drake.
All while tanking the drakes fire as well as the sleepers.
Doog Timez!
The next morning I got a rather uninspiring Retriever kill in a WH with a large POS and about 12 ships on scan. This was right before work and wasn't able to sign back in for several hours.
When I jumped back into that WH with gutted, there was a Raven sitting on the other side of the WH entrance.
I jumped GenePool in to try and bump the Raven off the WH, and as expected, he jumped through the WH almost immediately.
Pretty much what I expected. I jumped GenePool back through the WH and warped him to a station but left gutted on the other side.
I'd not really even dreamed to hope this, but I heard the WH fire immediately after GenePool warped away.
Knowing the raven was now stuck for 5 minutes I tackled and started orbitting with gutted who basically solo killed him.
He convo'd me immediately after to inform me:
Alissa007 > wardec coming
I can only hope!
Shortly after that they warped a destroyer to the WH entrance at 100km from their POS and cloaked it (gutted was still there and cloaked).
I of course immediately warped gutted to their POS planet and back to the WH at 100km
Decloaked the destroyer and ended him as well.
Of a 7 man corp, I killed 3 of their pilots that day. The retriever, the founder of the corp (in the Raven) and the current CEO of the corp (in the Destroyer).
I somehow doubt they'll war dec me, but it sure would be fun if they did!
Just call me Ahab!
A few days and a few random kills later (thanks to Jack Soul for the cameo appearance.. you need to fly with us more often!) I was finally able to find some more time to police the WormHoles of Eve.
On this particular morning I was bummed because I'd fallen asleep watching the entrance of a class 3 WH and woken back up to find someone onlining a POS in the WH that they'd brought in with their orca.
The first guns were only just finishing their countdown so I'd only just missed them :(
I tried a few tricks (HIC on the WH etc to catch them) but no dice...
Not too long after I found another WH a couple jumps away with not one but two Orcas in it and the modules still going up. This was getting depressing!
Except that it looked like one of the Orcas was aligning to go somewhere.
"He's warping to the planet? WTF!"
Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I warped the proteus on top of him and started the dance of death.
The orca was entering armor when a Hurricane and Drake showed up to help him.
GenePool put a point on the Hurricane but the Orca took too long to die and the Drake was able to get in warp and away.
If you look up the cliche "Too Little Too Late" you're quite likely to find a picture of the Hurricane pilot standing next to a slag heap of melted ducktape looking dejected.
The Orca pilot didn't have the decency to drop anything I felt like I needed to get a hauler to pick up for me so I decided to watch the POS and see if the second orca in the POS would try and go pick up the loot from the first.
Apparently they weren't that stupid... but they also weren't that smart.
Later that night, I'd just gotten a new pilot to put in an App for the corp but because Gene and gutted are out of the corp for the alliance tourney I wasn't able to accept his application right away.
Not one to let that deter us, we brought him along as I started a new hunt.
One of the WHs I'd found previously had an Orca and a Hulk mining (seemingly afk) in it.
What an introduction to flying with HOW!
2 x Orcas in less than 24 hours!
On this particular morning I was bummed because I'd fallen asleep watching the entrance of a class 3 WH and woken back up to find someone onlining a POS in the WH that they'd brought in with their orca.
The first guns were only just finishing their countdown so I'd only just missed them :(
I tried a few tricks (HIC on the WH etc to catch them) but no dice...
Not too long after I found another WH a couple jumps away with not one but two Orcas in it and the modules still going up. This was getting depressing!
Except that it looked like one of the Orcas was aligning to go somewhere.
"He's warping to the planet? WTF!"
Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I warped the proteus on top of him and started the dance of death.
The orca was entering armor when a Hurricane and Drake showed up to help him.
GenePool put a point on the Hurricane but the Orca took too long to die and the Drake was able to get in warp and away.
If you look up the cliche "Too Little Too Late" you're quite likely to find a picture of the Hurricane pilot standing next to a slag heap of melted ducktape looking dejected.
The Orca pilot didn't have the decency to drop anything I felt like I needed to get a hauler to pick up for me so I decided to watch the POS and see if the second orca in the POS would try and go pick up the loot from the first.
Apparently they weren't that stupid... but they also weren't that smart.
Later that night, I'd just gotten a new pilot to put in an App for the corp but because Gene and gutted are out of the corp for the alliance tourney I wasn't able to accept his application right away.
Not one to let that deter us, we brought him along as I started a new hunt.
One of the WHs I'd found previously had an Orca and a Hulk mining (seemingly afk) in it.
What an introduction to flying with HOW!
2 x Orcas in less than 24 hours!
Same Day.. Different Tengu...
Later that same day I was camping inside a different class 3 WH waiting for targets to come by when I randomly decided to hit the scan button and found a Raven on scan named 'Wacky' something or other.
Raven looked like a pretty good opportunity so I started warping around trying to find him when I noticed an Orca on scan. This was getting better!
Unfortunately, they both disappeared off scan before I got them narrowed down to a point I felt like I wanted to drop probes. The only thing I could imagine was that they must've warped from one WH to another and off of scan. This would bear some investigating.
As I was preparing to drop probes and solve the mystery I hit scan one more time only to see a 'Tengu' on scan also named 'Wack' something or another.
It appears that patience, even unintentional patience, is still a good thing.
It didn't take long to scan him down and warp in on him. I started orbitting at about 2km and then decloaked and scrammed him.
I was hitting him as hard as I could and his shields were only a sliver. He was definitely active tanked and it felt like he was tanked pretty expensively.
Fortunately for me, Tarkis has the ultimate solution for active tanks.
Shortly after he landed and turned on the neuts we were taking huge chunks out of the Tengu's tank.
Shortly after that there was a pretty explosion and I was celebrating my second T3 kill (other than the tourney).
He was definitely fit well... unfortunately the Eve PvP gods claimed the majority of his loot for their own. Still, at least we have the satisfaction of knowing we'd ruined his day.
1.5 billion of loot lost (before the cost of the ship) is something even the most rich pilots don't want to go through every day.
In the end, I asked Tarkis if that was his first T3 kill and what he thought...
"Felt a lot like killing a caracal tbh"
Raven looked like a pretty good opportunity so I started warping around trying to find him when I noticed an Orca on scan. This was getting better!
Unfortunately, they both disappeared off scan before I got them narrowed down to a point I felt like I wanted to drop probes. The only thing I could imagine was that they must've warped from one WH to another and off of scan. This would bear some investigating.
As I was preparing to drop probes and solve the mystery I hit scan one more time only to see a 'Tengu' on scan also named 'Wack' something or another.
It appears that patience, even unintentional patience, is still a good thing.
It didn't take long to scan him down and warp in on him. I started orbitting at about 2km and then decloaked and scrammed him.
I was hitting him as hard as I could and his shields were only a sliver. He was definitely active tanked and it felt like he was tanked pretty expensively.
Fortunately for me, Tarkis has the ultimate solution for active tanks.
Shortly after he landed and turned on the neuts we were taking huge chunks out of the Tengu's tank.
Shortly after that there was a pretty explosion and I was celebrating my second T3 kill (other than the tourney).
He was definitely fit well... unfortunately the Eve PvP gods claimed the majority of his loot for their own. Still, at least we have the satisfaction of knowing we'd ruined his day.
1.5 billion of loot lost (before the cost of the ship) is something even the most rich pilots don't want to go through every day.
In the end, I asked Tarkis if that was his first T3 kill and what he thought...
"Felt a lot like killing a caracal tbh"
Back on the horse...
They say when you fall off a horse the thing to do is get right back on again...
I think the same is true about doing the podwalk of shame.
It's best to get right back in your ship and throw yourself down the warp tunnel to the chaos that is combat in EVE as quickly as possible.
Fortunately, I have various ships stashed all over EVE because I'm too lazy to ferry my old ones around. It's easier to just buy new.
Sometimes (like when you're camped by war targets) buying new can be the only option.
The bottom line was that I had a spare Maelstrom sitting around and I was able to quickly jump back in it to get things going again.
gutted scanned us out a new class 3 WH with a bunch of wrecks (frigate wrecks that belonged to capsuleers and not sleepers) on scan and a rather large POS. There were also combat probes all over creation. Almost like pilots had been trying to scan down the abaddon I found in a sleeper site only to die horrible deaths.
Could this be a TARP?
The abaddon was just sitting there 230km from the sleeper site (and still being shot of course.. sleepers are imba!) not doing much of anything.
Asking Tarkis what he thought I got something along the lines of "I'm game if you are" and then "Let's do it!"
Never one to want to look back later and regret missed opportunities I followed the abaddon into warp when he warped back into the sleeper site.
Decloak, scram, tight orbit, call for the pilgrim to ruin his day and wait for the recons of doom to show themselves and ruin my day.
Unfortunately for the abaddon, the recons never showed up... just GenePool and Tarkis....
Before long we gave the abaddon the opportunity to perform the pod walk of shame.
WTS: Khanid Large Armor Repper
On the face of it, this was good loot... in practice it's just frustrating because people don't think to search for that particular faction. They just buy Amarr Navy.
In any case, I felt vindicated and ready to continue my WHorage and Pillaging.
One other interesting note... Tarkis was chuckling after that "That Abaddon must think we're Pr0!"
I hadn't given it much thought, but it really must've been pretty unsettling for him to warp back into start killing sleepers and find himself tackled and dying himself less than 20 seconds later.
"Damn those guys are fast!"
I think the same is true about doing the podwalk of shame.
It's best to get right back in your ship and throw yourself down the warp tunnel to the chaos that is combat in EVE as quickly as possible.
Fortunately, I have various ships stashed all over EVE because I'm too lazy to ferry my old ones around. It's easier to just buy new.
Sometimes (like when you're camped by war targets) buying new can be the only option.
The bottom line was that I had a spare Maelstrom sitting around and I was able to quickly jump back in it to get things going again.
gutted scanned us out a new class 3 WH with a bunch of wrecks (frigate wrecks that belonged to capsuleers and not sleepers) on scan and a rather large POS. There were also combat probes all over creation. Almost like pilots had been trying to scan down the abaddon I found in a sleeper site only to die horrible deaths.
Could this be a TARP?
The abaddon was just sitting there 230km from the sleeper site (and still being shot of course.. sleepers are imba!) not doing much of anything.
Asking Tarkis what he thought I got something along the lines of "I'm game if you are" and then "Let's do it!"
Never one to want to look back later and regret missed opportunities I followed the abaddon into warp when he warped back into the sleeper site.
Decloak, scram, tight orbit, call for the pilgrim to ruin his day and wait for the recons of doom to show themselves and ruin my day.
Unfortunately for the abaddon, the recons never showed up... just GenePool and Tarkis....
Before long we gave the abaddon the opportunity to perform the pod walk of shame.
WTS: Khanid Large Armor Repper
On the face of it, this was good loot... in practice it's just frustrating because people don't think to search for that particular faction. They just buy Amarr Navy.
In any case, I felt vindicated and ready to continue my WHorage and Pillaging.
One other interesting note... Tarkis was chuckling after that "That Abaddon must think we're Pr0!"
I hadn't given it much thought, but it really must've been pretty unsettling for him to warp back into start killing sleepers and find himself tackled and dying himself less than 20 seconds later.
"Damn those guys are fast!"
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Superstition FTW
Ok... so I was just commenting (ok... boasting.. bragging.. beating my own chest etc etc) about my efficiency in wormholes. It's a pretty empty boast regardless due to the fact that most wormhole players aren't equipped with either the ship fittings or the intellect to protect themselves from well-thought out attacks, but it still feels good to consistently be on the winning side of things.
In any case.. I said then that I was almost certainly jinxing myself, and that absolutely turned out to be true.
I was innocently cloaked inside a wormhole in a populous system while I passed the time chatting with my fellow pilots over comms when a report of some mission runners in low sec came in from my corpmate Tarkis.
Apparently there was a retribution, 2 drakes, and a maelstrom running missions in low sec. It was about 6 jumps away (all low-sec) and I wasn't convinced it was worth the effort to go when they'd probably just scatter and we'd miss the kills anyway.
I started asking Tarkis for a few more details and was greeted by silence.
"Tark.... everything ok????"
It seems he had been busy and the retribution had died an untimely death.
Tarkis also reported that he had barely gotten away from one of the drakes who had the audacity to fit a scram running missions. Given that he was outnumbered 4 v 1 in a not-so-speedy ship, his escape was noteworthy.
When Tarkis reported that they'd gone back in to finish the mission, it made up my mind for me. These guys were ok with a fight and I wanted in on that.
I used the proteus to scout for the maelstrom and started on my way.
I parked the maelstrom on the gate one jump out of their system and let Tarkis know I was ready. He got me a warp in to the acceleration gate entrance to their mission for the proteus and I warped in at what should've been 20km.
Instead, I appeared right on the gate and got decloaked.
Interestingly enough, one of the drakes was also on the gate. I started trying to lock him down but he had already started to align and barrelled through the acceleration gate before my sensors finished the job.
I quickly followed and found the second room empty. However, we landed on the 2nd acceleration gate so I didn't have much time. I immediately locked and scrammed him before he could get into warp. His shields were only slowly going down so I decided I needed to bring the maelstrom in.
Both Tarkis' pilgrim and the maelstrom landed at about the same time and with their help, the first drake died a relatively quick death.
The second drake warped in as the first was entering armor and we split our points to make sure he wasn't going anywhere either. He was at about 50% shields when the maelstrom also appeared in this room. This was like an early christmas that just kept on giving!
The second drake died quickly but the maelstrom was taking awhile. Even with the neuts of the pilgrim and the friendly maelstrom on him he just wasn't going down quickly.
Finally he ran out of cap injectors or the DPS just became too much for him to tank and he also exploded into a bunch of tiny pieces.
During this fight local had been steadily heating up. We had started at 7 and were now nearing 20. I suspect the call had gone out about the T3 in combat. A Typhoon and an Astarte warped into the mission room as we were trying to get to the loot and the call went out to retreat.
All of us got safely into warp even though Tarkis got followed and eventually tackled by a hurricane at a planet.
However, Tarkis (hereafter known as Houdini) put the slip on him once again and got away before help landed to secure their hold on his slippery ship.
All was well and good except for these pesky global criminal timers.
I cloaked the proteus and moved the Maelstrom one system closer to home to dock up and wait it out.
Once the timers were clear, I move the proteus ahead of the maelstrom as a scout and headed back to watch the entrance to my WormHole.
Local ballooned as I undocked the Maelstrom but I figured I could stay ahead of it if I went straight to the next gate.
Extremely poor decision.
I landed on the gate at the same time as about a 12 man fleet of mostly BCs with a few logisitics in support.
I tried to realign and head back to the station, but a few of them pointed me. Unfortunately for me, they were disciplined and only 3 - 4 of them agressed on the near side. The rest (of course) followed when I jumped through.
I decided I'd try and go back through the gate and hopefully have their forces split a little bit where I could deal with just the 3-4 on the other side instead of the much larger force that had followed. After waiting out the session timer I flipped the switch on the MWD and headed back towards the gate.
Unfortunately the maelstrom is a lumbering beast and they had LOTS of webs and 2-point scrams to prevent just such a tactic.
Even so... it was going to be close...
I might make this...
and..... BUMP...
damn... going the wrong way now.. might as well agress and die fighting...
Unfortunately... I was already mostly past the breaking point of my tank and didn't take any of them down.
As such, my Maelstrom was my first real loss (not counting hi-sec gank or tourney losses) in over a month.
GFs with the Beyond Virginity guys were exchanged in local and I expressed my wish that they enjoy the nice shield booster (why doesn't the faction pop when I'm the one doing the dying?).
These guys obviously know their stuff much better than many of the fleets I come across in 0.0 and they certainly deserve the props.
Of course all of this came right after I'd pounded my chest about how well things were going.
It seems that Pride does in fact goeth before a fall....
In any case.. I said then that I was almost certainly jinxing myself, and that absolutely turned out to be true.
I was innocently cloaked inside a wormhole in a populous system while I passed the time chatting with my fellow pilots over comms when a report of some mission runners in low sec came in from my corpmate Tarkis.
Apparently there was a retribution, 2 drakes, and a maelstrom running missions in low sec. It was about 6 jumps away (all low-sec) and I wasn't convinced it was worth the effort to go when they'd probably just scatter and we'd miss the kills anyway.
I started asking Tarkis for a few more details and was greeted by silence.
"Tark.... everything ok????"
It seems he had been busy and the retribution had died an untimely death.
Tarkis also reported that he had barely gotten away from one of the drakes who had the audacity to fit a scram running missions. Given that he was outnumbered 4 v 1 in a not-so-speedy ship, his escape was noteworthy.
When Tarkis reported that they'd gone back in to finish the mission, it made up my mind for me. These guys were ok with a fight and I wanted in on that.
I used the proteus to scout for the maelstrom and started on my way.
I parked the maelstrom on the gate one jump out of their system and let Tarkis know I was ready. He got me a warp in to the acceleration gate entrance to their mission for the proteus and I warped in at what should've been 20km.
Instead, I appeared right on the gate and got decloaked.
Interestingly enough, one of the drakes was also on the gate. I started trying to lock him down but he had already started to align and barrelled through the acceleration gate before my sensors finished the job.
I quickly followed and found the second room empty. However, we landed on the 2nd acceleration gate so I didn't have much time. I immediately locked and scrammed him before he could get into warp. His shields were only slowly going down so I decided I needed to bring the maelstrom in.
Both Tarkis' pilgrim and the maelstrom landed at about the same time and with their help, the first drake died a relatively quick death.
The second drake warped in as the first was entering armor and we split our points to make sure he wasn't going anywhere either. He was at about 50% shields when the maelstrom also appeared in this room. This was like an early christmas that just kept on giving!
The second drake died quickly but the maelstrom was taking awhile. Even with the neuts of the pilgrim and the friendly maelstrom on him he just wasn't going down quickly.
Finally he ran out of cap injectors or the DPS just became too much for him to tank and he also exploded into a bunch of tiny pieces.
During this fight local had been steadily heating up. We had started at 7 and were now nearing 20. I suspect the call had gone out about the T3 in combat. A Typhoon and an Astarte warped into the mission room as we were trying to get to the loot and the call went out to retreat.
All of us got safely into warp even though Tarkis got followed and eventually tackled by a hurricane at a planet.
However, Tarkis (hereafter known as Houdini) put the slip on him once again and got away before help landed to secure their hold on his slippery ship.
All was well and good except for these pesky global criminal timers.
I cloaked the proteus and moved the Maelstrom one system closer to home to dock up and wait it out.
Once the timers were clear, I move the proteus ahead of the maelstrom as a scout and headed back to watch the entrance to my WormHole.
Local ballooned as I undocked the Maelstrom but I figured I could stay ahead of it if I went straight to the next gate.
Extremely poor decision.
I landed on the gate at the same time as about a 12 man fleet of mostly BCs with a few logisitics in support.
I tried to realign and head back to the station, but a few of them pointed me. Unfortunately for me, they were disciplined and only 3 - 4 of them agressed on the near side. The rest (of course) followed when I jumped through.
I decided I'd try and go back through the gate and hopefully have their forces split a little bit where I could deal with just the 3-4 on the other side instead of the much larger force that had followed. After waiting out the session timer I flipped the switch on the MWD and headed back towards the gate.
Unfortunately the maelstrom is a lumbering beast and they had LOTS of webs and 2-point scrams to prevent just such a tactic.
Even so... it was going to be close...
I might make this...
and..... BUMP...
damn... going the wrong way now.. might as well agress and die fighting...
Unfortunately... I was already mostly past the breaking point of my tank and didn't take any of them down.
As such, my Maelstrom was my first real loss (not counting hi-sec gank or tourney losses) in over a month.
GFs with the Beyond Virginity guys were exchanged in local and I expressed my wish that they enjoy the nice shield booster (why doesn't the faction pop when I'm the one doing the dying?).
These guys obviously know their stuff much better than many of the fleets I come across in 0.0 and they certainly deserve the props.
Of course all of this came right after I'd pounded my chest about how well things were going.
It seems that Pride does in fact goeth before a fall....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hauler kills?!?!
Ok.. so normally hauler kills are nothing blog worthy.. (and tbh this one isn't either)
But these kills combined with some comedy chat in Uedama local was just the pick-me-up I needed after losing our match in the alliance tourney.
So.. we'd been watching this class 3 WH entrance in Uedama for a little while and killing time watching college football.
A heron and an imicus came through the WH which is in itself not noteworthy, but the fact that the heron pilot was the CEO of a self described WH corp made me a bit more interested. What combat ships would they bring?? This could be fun.
After watching them for awhile I realized they were scouting moons. This could be even better! :)
Sure enough, a short while later a badger came in and warped to a moon at 0. I warped to the same moon at 10km so I could keep an eye on him while my buddy Tarkis got his hauler ready.
Unfortunately the badger cloaked.
This is easily resolved when they warp to 0 and don't move afterwards. I promptly warped back to the WH at 20km and then back to the moon at 0 to decloak him.
Bingo! He decloaks and is podded. What juicy faction towers await?
Damn it! POS fuel but no POS!
Fortunately for me... the CEO came warping in his bustard as I was still checking the badger can.
Also fortunately for me... I invested in a 3 point scram!
Poor bustard tried to cloak, but immediately decloaked... and then couldn't warp back out no matter how hard he tried.
And of course THERE is the tower we knew was coming!
200m in Jita.
Even better though was an unrelated incident in Uedama right outside the wormhole.
I wish I could say I was the cause of these tears...
But they were fun to watch anyway.
It seems this young player 'helped' another player by hauling his ore back to station for them. Then they asked him for help killing the rats in the belt.
He bought himself a new 6m isk frig just for the job.
You can predict the results:
Tony Reason > wtf concord did f*ck all
Tony Reason > f*cking concord
Tony Reason > what is the f*cking point in them
Tony Reason > when you need them they do f*ck all
I'm still laughing.... :)
But these kills combined with some comedy chat in Uedama local was just the pick-me-up I needed after losing our match in the alliance tourney.
So.. we'd been watching this class 3 WH entrance in Uedama for a little while and killing time watching college football.
A heron and an imicus came through the WH which is in itself not noteworthy, but the fact that the heron pilot was the CEO of a self described WH corp made me a bit more interested. What combat ships would they bring?? This could be fun.
After watching them for awhile I realized they were scouting moons. This could be even better! :)
Sure enough, a short while later a badger came in and warped to a moon at 0. I warped to the same moon at 10km so I could keep an eye on him while my buddy Tarkis got his hauler ready.
Unfortunately the badger cloaked.
This is easily resolved when they warp to 0 and don't move afterwards. I promptly warped back to the WH at 20km and then back to the moon at 0 to decloak him.
Bingo! He decloaks and is podded. What juicy faction towers await?
Damn it! POS fuel but no POS!
Fortunately for me... the CEO came warping in his bustard as I was still checking the badger can.
Also fortunately for me... I invested in a 3 point scram!
Poor bustard tried to cloak, but immediately decloaked... and then couldn't warp back out no matter how hard he tried.
And of course THERE is the tower we knew was coming!
200m in Jita.
Even better though was an unrelated incident in Uedama right outside the wormhole.
I wish I could say I was the cause of these tears...
But they were fun to watch anyway.
It seems this young player 'helped' another player by hauling his ore back to station for them. Then they asked him for help killing the rats in the belt.
He bought himself a new 6m isk frig just for the job.
You can predict the results:
Tony Reason > wtf concord did f*ck all
Tony Reason > f*cking concord
Tony Reason > what is the f*cking point in them
Tony Reason > when you need them they do f*ck all
I'm still laughing.... :)
Alliance Tourney Round II
We fielded a pretty speedy DPS heavy setup against another DPS heavy setup from Ushra'khan.
No problems there from a strategy perspective. Both sides needed to get enough points to make it to the finals and you only have to kill a few ships to not be on the bubble.
Unfortunately, they had a little bit better tactical plan than we ended up with.
They fielded a guardian with 2 1600mm plates that was heavily bait fit. As a result, we spent a fair couple of minutes trying to pop their guardian while they were systematically destroying our DPS.
In the end, we killed their guardian and a harbinger good for 25 points and a total of 150 on the two fights.
Having totalled it all up, there are currently 23 teams that we're ahead of and will definitely advance before. There are 9 that are ahead of us.
We need a few of tomorrow's fights to either end in stalemates (the early ones) or be total sweeps (the later ones).
I feel pretty good about our chances to get into the finals... but it'll be a near thing, and we'll definitely have to play with our tactics a little bit.
In the mean time.... back to WHorage...
Picked up a nice little Arbalest Heavy Missile fitted drake kill today. Didn't realize those things still sold for so much. 4 launchers dropped and 60m is 60m no matter how you look at it.
It doesn't soothe the loss of today's tourney fight by any means, but it does help me feel a bit better about Eve in general.
On the other hand... once the tourney is over I can get back to War Decs and that should be interesting to say the least.
No problems there from a strategy perspective. Both sides needed to get enough points to make it to the finals and you only have to kill a few ships to not be on the bubble.
Unfortunately, they had a little bit better tactical plan than we ended up with.
They fielded a guardian with 2 1600mm plates that was heavily bait fit. As a result, we spent a fair couple of minutes trying to pop their guardian while they were systematically destroying our DPS.
In the end, we killed their guardian and a harbinger good for 25 points and a total of 150 on the two fights.
Having totalled it all up, there are currently 23 teams that we're ahead of and will definitely advance before. There are 9 that are ahead of us.
We need a few of tomorrow's fights to either end in stalemates (the early ones) or be total sweeps (the later ones).
I feel pretty good about our chances to get into the finals... but it'll be a near thing, and we'll definitely have to play with our tactics a little bit.
In the mean time.... back to WHorage...
Picked up a nice little Arbalest Heavy Missile fitted drake kill today. Didn't realize those things still sold for so much. 4 launchers dropped and 60m is 60m no matter how you look at it.
It doesn't soothe the loss of today's tourney fight by any means, but it does help me feel a bit better about Eve in general.
On the other hand... once the tourney is over I can get back to War Decs and that should be interesting to say the least.
Within my alliance... I'm known as something of a nut.
I fly expensive ships into large blobs and either live or die on the edge. I do a lot of dying but I've found a pretty foolproof way to make enough isk to allow me to not care that much and in my opinion the only reason to make isk is to lose it.
With that in mind, I've never really managed to make much isk doing PvP just because I'd almost always rather find a good fight than find one I'm guaranteed to win.
So that's what makes this latest run of kills so amazing for me.
I've got two ships that I'm able to fly with a great deal of success and while I'm probably jinxing myself by posting this, I must admit an even larger degree of fun.
WHorage certainly isn't for everyone as not all have the patience for the time investment associated with scanning down WormHoles and targets inside of them, but the rewards are definitely there.
Game Mechanics are such that I can usually find manageable fights and while many of them are like 'clubbing baby seals'... as I've grown more comfortable with my ships capabilities I've pushed the limits of the targets I've engaged.
I often find myself taking my two ships against 2-3 battleships with jamming recons on the field and coming out ahead.
Part of that is carebear instincts working in my favor. If your first instinct is to run in terror I have no qualms about chaining you down and shooting you in the back.
Part of that is just a good understanding of the Paper, Rock, Scissors that is EVE ship combat and knowing how to turn things to my favor.
In any case, these two ships have accounted for the following kills in WormHoles alone in the last 30 days:
3 Golems
1 Megathron Navy Issue
1 Loki
2 Falcons
1 Nighthawk
11 BS's
1 Sacrilege
4 BCs
1 Moa
4 Mining Barge (including several hulks)
2 Industrial
1 Cov-ops
2 pods
All of the above with zero losses.
I've looted over 2 billion isk
As I said.. I'm sure I just jinxed myself terribly... but I've really enjoyed this WHorage stuff so far and am looking forward to much more to come!
I fly expensive ships into large blobs and either live or die on the edge. I do a lot of dying but I've found a pretty foolproof way to make enough isk to allow me to not care that much and in my opinion the only reason to make isk is to lose it.
With that in mind, I've never really managed to make much isk doing PvP just because I'd almost always rather find a good fight than find one I'm guaranteed to win.
So that's what makes this latest run of kills so amazing for me.
I've got two ships that I'm able to fly with a great deal of success and while I'm probably jinxing myself by posting this, I must admit an even larger degree of fun.
WHorage certainly isn't for everyone as not all have the patience for the time investment associated with scanning down WormHoles and targets inside of them, but the rewards are definitely there.
Game Mechanics are such that I can usually find manageable fights and while many of them are like 'clubbing baby seals'... as I've grown more comfortable with my ships capabilities I've pushed the limits of the targets I've engaged.
I often find myself taking my two ships against 2-3 battleships with jamming recons on the field and coming out ahead.
Part of that is carebear instincts working in my favor. If your first instinct is to run in terror I have no qualms about chaining you down and shooting you in the back.
Part of that is just a good understanding of the Paper, Rock, Scissors that is EVE ship combat and knowing how to turn things to my favor.
In any case, these two ships have accounted for the following kills in WormHoles alone in the last 30 days:
3 Golems
1 Megathron Navy Issue
1 Loki
2 Falcons
1 Nighthawk
11 BS's
1 Sacrilege
4 BCs
1 Moa
4 Mining Barge (including several hulks)
2 Industrial
1 Cov-ops
2 pods
All of the above with zero losses.
I've looted over 2 billion isk
As I said.. I'm sure I just jinxed myself terribly... but I've really enjoyed this WHorage stuff so far and am looking forward to much more to come!
Alliance Tourney
So... GenePool was needed by the parent alliance to participate in the Alliance Tourney...
This is my first experience with this illustrious event and I was excited! Unafilliated had done well in the previous tournament (which I didn't get to fly in due to real life commitments) and so were guaranteed an entry in this years tournament.
After helping out with the fleet composition plan and then buying a ton of implants for the team we were all set in our station waiting for the GMs to join us and move us to Jove space.
After what seemed like forever, it was time.
We were jumped to Jove space, told to pick a team beacon to warp to, and then warp to the arena at our desired range.
We did and found ourselves facing the two tengus, loki, 2 drakes and some other odds and ends of The Honda Accord.
CCP Claw counted down in local and I began trying to lock the bad guys right after he said go.
"Damn this is taking forever to lock...."
"WTH.. seriously? Crashed right after he said go?"
Spazzing a bit at this point I checked my router to confirm everything was ok and then started trying to spam log in again.
I was able to get in right as their loki pilot ended up in his pod.
Turns out the team didn't really need my DPS... but I still managed to get myself on or near the top of the next few mails to make up for my tardiness.
Clean sweep! Was good fun and I'm really looking forward to the round 2 fight against Ushra'khan today.
They swept their opponents as well so it should be a blast.
The only downside is that due to active wars in HOW, I had to move Genepool to -U- to allow him to participate.
This isn't such a big deal, but it means I've had to put the Empire Wars side of our activities on hold while we fight in the alliance tourney.
Some of our pilots in HOW are getting antsy so I'm anxious to get back in and start the carnage. We're debating war deccing wormhole corporations so we can camp the empire side of their hi-sec entrances..
I'm also thinking we should extend our activities to war deccing corps with lightly defended POSs with lotsa advanced laboratories and no stations in local. BPOs for the win :)
In either case, we'll need more numbers to get the job done. Be sure and let me know if these activities sound like fun to you!
This is my first experience with this illustrious event and I was excited! Unafilliated had done well in the previous tournament (which I didn't get to fly in due to real life commitments) and so were guaranteed an entry in this years tournament.
After helping out with the fleet composition plan and then buying a ton of implants for the team we were all set in our station waiting for the GMs to join us and move us to Jove space.
After what seemed like forever, it was time.
We were jumped to Jove space, told to pick a team beacon to warp to, and then warp to the arena at our desired range.
We did and found ourselves facing the two tengus, loki, 2 drakes and some other odds and ends of The Honda Accord.
CCP Claw counted down in local and I began trying to lock the bad guys right after he said go.
"Damn this is taking forever to lock...."
"WTH.. seriously? Crashed right after he said go?"
Spazzing a bit at this point I checked my router to confirm everything was ok and then started trying to spam log in again.
I was able to get in right as their loki pilot ended up in his pod.
Turns out the team didn't really need my DPS... but I still managed to get myself on or near the top of the next few mails to make up for my tardiness.
Clean sweep! Was good fun and I'm really looking forward to the round 2 fight against Ushra'khan today.
They swept their opponents as well so it should be a blast.
The only downside is that due to active wars in HOW, I had to move Genepool to -U- to allow him to participate.
This isn't such a big deal, but it means I've had to put the Empire Wars side of our activities on hold while we fight in the alliance tourney.
Some of our pilots in HOW are getting antsy so I'm anxious to get back in and start the carnage. We're debating war deccing wormhole corporations so we can camp the empire side of their hi-sec entrances..
I'm also thinking we should extend our activities to war deccing corps with lightly defended POSs with lotsa advanced laboratories and no stations in local. BPOs for the win :)
In either case, we'll need more numbers to get the job done. Be sure and let me know if these activities sound like fun to you!
Hole Plunderers!
For a great in-game channel doing what HOW has been up to these last few weeks... join Hole Plunderers in game.
Organized by a couple guys from ScrapHeap Challenge it's a group of likeminded pira... err.. pilots who are willing to cooperate to take down targets that we can't kill on our own.
The nature of WHs is that you occasionally find targets that are more than what you can quickly get friends there to tackle. When this happens, the Hole Plunderers channel gives you a place to quickly recruit said "friends."
So far they've proven trustworthy as far as I know. I've posted my ship fits there several time with all the accompanying faction and they have had numerous chances to gank me on fights that I've joined in but so far every thing has been kosher.
As an example, the image below is of a corpmate of mine in his very expensively fit Tengu ganking a Rokh and some other ships. His Tengu tackled the Rokh and they brought in overwhelming firepower for the kill.
The thing is... this Tengu has at least 1.5 bil in fittings and many of the folks in the channel knew it.

In any case... join Hole Plunderers for a good introduction to what WHorage is all about...
Organized by a couple guys from ScrapHeap Challenge it's a group of likeminded pira... err.. pilots who are willing to cooperate to take down targets that we can't kill on our own.
The nature of WHs is that you occasionally find targets that are more than what you can quickly get friends there to tackle. When this happens, the Hole Plunderers channel gives you a place to quickly recruit said "friends."
So far they've proven trustworthy as far as I know. I've posted my ship fits there several time with all the accompanying faction and they have had numerous chances to gank me on fights that I've joined in but so far every thing has been kosher.
As an example, the image below is of a corpmate of mine in his very expensively fit Tengu ganking a Rokh and some other ships. His Tengu tackled the Rokh and they brought in overwhelming firepower for the kill.
The thing is... this Tengu has at least 1.5 bil in fittings and many of the folks in the channel knew it.

In any case... join Hole Plunderers for a good introduction to what WHorage is all about...
Even better??? First Strategic Cruiser Death!
So 2 days after the Golem kill I was working from home and decided to park myself inside a Class 3 WH while I worked. Not too far into the day I hear that beautiful sound of the WH firing.
As my buddy Anjelle says, it's kinda like the StarCraft trooper taking the StimPack..."Ah... that's the stuff"...
Interest picks up... heart rate quickens... what's coming into my web?
Hmmm.. very interesting!
So... I let them warp off the WH cause past mistakes have taught me that tackling ships on a WH is pretty hard to do.
They head in the direction of a planet and I follow to use the ship scanner. 3 cosmic anomalies on scan... it's a simple matter to use the map to figure out which one they're in.
I warp in at 20km and see the Tengu and Raven sitting right on top of each other and the Loki flying around shooting.... missiles?? mmmm... interesting!
Time passes... 10-15 minutes later they are down to just a single sleeper cruiser and it's time to make my move.
I've been trying to slowly close on the Tengu as I figure he's probably the juiciest fit... but he Afterburners out of range right as they get down to just one sleeper right as the Loki comes to me.
Moment of truth...
Decloak, tackle... close... blasters hot!
Genepool completes his warp in right as the oh to predictable carebear instincts kick in for his friends and they both warp...
"Damn! I wanted to tackle the Tengu also"
The Loki is tanking well until the neuts hit at which point he decides he should switch his DPS from my proteus to my Maelstrom...
It's just as well.. the truth is that without his friends he doesn't have a prayer of breaking either tank...
At this point the Raven warps back in and I wonder if they've decided to protect their friend... but what's this? The Raven is at 100km? Wasn't he torp fit?
Yes... he's either forgetful or just an idiot.. (or wanted to be able to say "Don't worry bud.. I'll save you" on Vent without risking his ship)
At this point the loki is hitting structure and I'm closing to scoop loot.
2009.09.02 14:59
Victim: Palden Lhamo
Corp: The Versatile Business System
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Loki
System: J120124
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 17018
Involved parties:
Name: Emergent Defender / Unknown
Damage Done: 7209
Name: gutted
Security: -1.2
Corp: Freelancer Union
Alliance: Unaffiliated
Faction: NONE
Ship: Proteus
Weapon: Proteus
Damage Done: 5057
Name: GenePool Chlorinator (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.6
Corp: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Ship: Maelstrom
Weapon: 800mm Repeating Artillery II
Damage Done: 4752
Destroyed items:
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 41
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 43
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
Gallente Navy Stasis Webifier
Gallente Navy Stasis Webifier
Cap Recharger I
Corpus A-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
Capacitor Power Relay II
True Sansha Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Amarr Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Thunderbolt Precision Heavy Missile, Qty: 1000 (Cargo)
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 5677 (Cargo)
Medium Nanobot Accelerator I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II, Qty: 2
Hammerhead II (Drone Bay)
Warrior II (Drone Bay)
Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Loki Electronics - Immobility Drivers
Loki Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
Loki Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter
Loki Offensive - Hardpoint Efficiency Configuration
Dropped items:
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 44
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 44
Large Capacitor Battery II
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Corpus A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Nanite Repair Paste, Qty: 864 (Cargo)
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 1262 (Cargo)
Hammerhead II, Qty: 2 (Drone Bay)
Warrior II (Drone Bay)
Ah yes... I think I like this hunting in WH's thing!
The only thing that would make it better is more people to help with the scanning and killing!
1.5 billion isk in the last couple weeks is pretty good profit and what better condition to acquire it than still damp with the tears of carebears?
HOW is recruiting! Contact GenePool Chlorinator in game if you're interested!
As my buddy Anjelle says, it's kinda like the StarCraft trooper taking the StimPack..."Ah... that's the stuff"...
Interest picks up... heart rate quickens... what's coming into my web?
Hmmm.. very interesting!
So... I let them warp off the WH cause past mistakes have taught me that tackling ships on a WH is pretty hard to do.
They head in the direction of a planet and I follow to use the ship scanner. 3 cosmic anomalies on scan... it's a simple matter to use the map to figure out which one they're in.
I warp in at 20km and see the Tengu and Raven sitting right on top of each other and the Loki flying around shooting.... missiles?? mmmm... interesting!
Time passes... 10-15 minutes later they are down to just a single sleeper cruiser and it's time to make my move.
I've been trying to slowly close on the Tengu as I figure he's probably the juiciest fit... but he Afterburners out of range right as they get down to just one sleeper right as the Loki comes to me.
Moment of truth...
Decloak, tackle... close... blasters hot!
Genepool completes his warp in right as the oh to predictable carebear instincts kick in for his friends and they both warp...
"Damn! I wanted to tackle the Tengu also"
The Loki is tanking well until the neuts hit at which point he decides he should switch his DPS from my proteus to my Maelstrom...
It's just as well.. the truth is that without his friends he doesn't have a prayer of breaking either tank...
At this point the Raven warps back in and I wonder if they've decided to protect their friend... but what's this? The Raven is at 100km? Wasn't he torp fit?
Yes... he's either forgetful or just an idiot.. (or wanted to be able to say "Don't worry bud.. I'll save you" on Vent without risking his ship)
At this point the loki is hitting structure and I'm closing to scoop loot.
2009.09.02 14:59
Victim: Palden Lhamo
Corp: The Versatile Business System
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Loki
System: J120124
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 17018
Involved parties:
Name: Emergent Defender / Unknown
Damage Done: 7209
Name: gutted
Security: -1.2
Corp: Freelancer Union
Alliance: Unaffiliated
Faction: NONE
Ship: Proteus
Weapon: Proteus
Damage Done: 5057
Name: GenePool Chlorinator (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.6
Corp: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Alliance: None
Faction: NONE
Ship: Maelstrom
Weapon: 800mm Repeating Artillery II
Damage Done: 4752
Destroyed items:
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 41
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 43
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
Gallente Navy Stasis Webifier
Gallente Navy Stasis Webifier
Cap Recharger I
Corpus A-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener
Capacitor Power Relay II
True Sansha Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Amarr Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Thunderbolt Precision Heavy Missile, Qty: 1000 (Cargo)
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 5677 (Cargo)
Medium Nanobot Accelerator I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II, Qty: 2
Hammerhead II (Drone Bay)
Warrior II (Drone Bay)
Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Loki Electronics - Immobility Drivers
Loki Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
Loki Defensive - Adaptive Augmenter
Loki Offensive - Hardpoint Efficiency Configuration
Dropped items:
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 44
Thunderbolt Fury Heavy Missile, Qty: 44
Large Capacitor Battery II
Corpum A-Type Medium Armor Repairer
Corpus A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener
Nanite Repair Paste, Qty: 864 (Cargo)
Republic Fleet EMP M, Qty: 1262 (Cargo)
Hammerhead II, Qty: 2 (Drone Bay)
Warrior II (Drone Bay)
Ah yes... I think I like this hunting in WH's thing!
The only thing that would make it better is more people to help with the scanning and killing!
1.5 billion isk in the last couple weeks is pretty good profit and what better condition to acquire it than still damp with the tears of carebears?
HOW is recruiting! Contact GenePool Chlorinator in game if you're interested!
Monday, September 7, 2009
WHorage at its finest!!!
As the wars petered out and we switched focus to the upcoming Alliance tournament I went back to my roots to hunt targets in WHs.
I started realizing that the class 2 WHs that are all over the place with POSs in them are probably not the best places to find the best targets.
Class 2 WHs are pretty worthless from a carebear perspective, and because of this, the only real reason to have a POS there is to get to a static class 3 or class 4 with better isk potential.
That being the case, I started taking the time to probe down the static 3 / 4 entrances in each of the class 2 WHs with POSs that I came across.
It was spectacularly successful.
On the first day of doing this I found a class 2 with a large pos and a static entrance to a 3. I checked out the 3 and saw that it had about 14 anomalies, and no POSs. I remember commenting to a corp mate that that 3 would be absolutely perfect for the inhabitants of the class 2 except for the fact that I knew it was there.
Oh how true that turned out to be!
Not long after, I poked a head back into the class 2 WH (from hi-sec) to see a GOLEM and Apocalypse on scan. They disappeared off scan quickly in the general direction of the class 3!
Giving them a little time to get ahead, I jumped into the 3 and started scanning with the ship scanner so as not to spook them. Wrecks on scan and I was able to quickly find and warp in on the targets.
They were sitting perfectly stationary about 5km from each other and just wrecking the sleepers!
I got my proteus into a tight orbit, got the Maelstrom positioned outside the class 3 entrance and then decloaked and began to agress the golem. His tank was holding steady as the maelstrom landed in the fray so I switched the proteus dps to the Apoc who quickly began to drop.
At this point a new sleeper spawn showed up and started agressing my Maelstrom.
The golem's tank was still holding... what the heck was this guy fit with! My maelstrom tank is now being overloaded by the sleepers and I'm tanking armor damage but the golem is finally starting to drop into armor.
Not too long after... I get a pretty explosion and a GF in local.
Phew... GF indeed.
I can't believe how expensively this guy was fit!!!
I was so glad to get the kill.. and then so crushed to see the Estamel's Boost Amp not drop! But oh well.. I'll take solace in the 709m that the Photon Hardener sold for the next morning.
I think I like this looking deeper into the WHs thing :)
I started realizing that the class 2 WHs that are all over the place with POSs in them are probably not the best places to find the best targets.
Class 2 WHs are pretty worthless from a carebear perspective, and because of this, the only real reason to have a POS there is to get to a static class 3 or class 4 with better isk potential.
That being the case, I started taking the time to probe down the static 3 / 4 entrances in each of the class 2 WHs with POSs that I came across.
It was spectacularly successful.
On the first day of doing this I found a class 2 with a large pos and a static entrance to a 3. I checked out the 3 and saw that it had about 14 anomalies, and no POSs. I remember commenting to a corp mate that that 3 would be absolutely perfect for the inhabitants of the class 2 except for the fact that I knew it was there.
Oh how true that turned out to be!
Not long after, I poked a head back into the class 2 WH (from hi-sec) to see a GOLEM and Apocalypse on scan. They disappeared off scan quickly in the general direction of the class 3!
Giving them a little time to get ahead, I jumped into the 3 and started scanning with the ship scanner so as not to spook them. Wrecks on scan and I was able to quickly find and warp in on the targets.
They were sitting perfectly stationary about 5km from each other and just wrecking the sleepers!
I got my proteus into a tight orbit, got the Maelstrom positioned outside the class 3 entrance and then decloaked and began to agress the golem. His tank was holding steady as the maelstrom landed in the fray so I switched the proteus dps to the Apoc who quickly began to drop.
At this point a new sleeper spawn showed up and started agressing my Maelstrom.
The golem's tank was still holding... what the heck was this guy fit with! My maelstrom tank is now being overloaded by the sleepers and I'm tanking armor damage but the golem is finally starting to drop into armor.
Not too long after... I get a pretty explosion and a GF in local.
Phew... GF indeed.
I can't believe how expensively this guy was fit!!!
I was so glad to get the kill.. and then so crushed to see the Estamel's Boost Amp not drop! But oh well.. I'll take solace in the 709m that the Photon Hardener sold for the next morning.
I think I like this looking deeper into the WHs thing :)
Primal Rage
I started a third war at the same time the others went active. Might as well maximize our opportunity for carnage...
The next target was a corporation called Primal. and they had 23 pilots at the time the war started.
The sole reason for this war was a golem pilot I'd seen running missions in Dodixie. I figured he probably thought he was safe and so might be well fitted, and besides, it seemed like it'd be good fun.
And it was....
Even if wasn't all that well fitted :/
So... I'd accomplished my primary purpose at this point.
I convo'd the CEO to see if he'd like to let me extort him for any more profit. It turns out that Primal. fancied themselves a mercenary corporation and that he was glad for the opportunity to PvP during their 'R&R' and re-structuring.
That being said, the tin-foil hats were on again as apparently my timing was once again impeccable.
Something about a merger and a disgruntled ex-CEO. I didn't understand the whole thing, but he seemed sure that we were after more than just the Golem kill.
He was a nice enough guy, but shortly after my convo with him, I got an eve-mail from Concord.
2009.08.20 23:27
Deprived of Existence by Mercenaries of the Night has declared war on How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.
It seems that they felt like they needed help against our little corp.
So.. these guys were cute (and most of them weren't old enough to drink).
Read the above as "They were immature bastards who were REALLY annoying in local."
If you look closely at their name you'll be able to guess their tag (DEMON for those that don't like acronyms) and they like to fly around in 4-5 man RR BS gangs.
At this point I was wishing we were larger as their tactics weren't all that good... but their numbers were enough to overcome the number of active pilots I could get on at any one time.
We ended up killing a triple tri-mark fitted geddon and losing an unrigged scorp in one engagement.
We had a mega we surprised that should've died in time for us to get away but ultimately our brutix DC'd before we got enough DPS on the mega and they got help in to save the mega (damn RRs everywhere) and kill both our brutix and our pilgrim.
I think the only other real action was a kill I got against a bait myrm while hi-sec ganking in my typhoon. I had less than 12 rounds per gun of any one ammo type but their passive tanked myrm just MELTED before their other BS and blackbird could get there to save him.
The mercs did more damage to us than we did to them, but it cost them 150m for their week of fun and we still have the Golem kill to WAY more than make up for total damage done in that little skirmish.
With more pilots we'd definitely have overpowered their mercs... but such is life
(Did I mention that HOW is recruiting?? Contact GenePool Chlorinator in game)
The next target was a corporation called Primal. and they had 23 pilots at the time the war started.
The sole reason for this war was a golem pilot I'd seen running missions in Dodixie. I figured he probably thought he was safe and so might be well fitted, and besides, it seemed like it'd be good fun.
And it was....
Even if wasn't all that well fitted :/
So... I'd accomplished my primary purpose at this point.
I convo'd the CEO to see if he'd like to let me extort him for any more profit. It turns out that Primal. fancied themselves a mercenary corporation and that he was glad for the opportunity to PvP during their 'R&R' and re-structuring.
That being said, the tin-foil hats were on again as apparently my timing was once again impeccable.
Something about a merger and a disgruntled ex-CEO. I didn't understand the whole thing, but he seemed sure that we were after more than just the Golem kill.
He was a nice enough guy, but shortly after my convo with him, I got an eve-mail from Concord.
2009.08.20 23:27
Deprived of Existence by Mercenaries of the Night has declared war on How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.
It seems that they felt like they needed help against our little corp.
So.. these guys were cute (and most of them weren't old enough to drink).
Read the above as "They were immature bastards who were REALLY annoying in local."
If you look closely at their name you'll be able to guess their tag (DEMON for those that don't like acronyms) and they like to fly around in 4-5 man RR BS gangs.
At this point I was wishing we were larger as their tactics weren't all that good... but their numbers were enough to overcome the number of active pilots I could get on at any one time.
We ended up killing a triple tri-mark fitted geddon and losing an unrigged scorp in one engagement.
We had a mega we surprised that should've died in time for us to get away but ultimately our brutix DC'd before we got enough DPS on the mega and they got help in to save the mega (damn RRs everywhere) and kill both our brutix and our pilgrim.
I think the only other real action was a kill I got against a bait myrm while hi-sec ganking in my typhoon. I had less than 12 rounds per gun of any one ammo type but their passive tanked myrm just MELTED before their other BS and blackbird could get there to save him.
The mercs did more damage to us than we did to them, but it cost them 150m for their week of fun and we still have the Golem kill to WAY more than make up for total damage done in that little skirmish.
With more pilots we'd definitely have overpowered their mercs... but such is life
(Did I mention that HOW is recruiting?? Contact GenePool Chlorinator in game)
Wars aborted...
So.. after my first very interesting and highly profitable segue into hi-sec wars and the world of extortion, things got quiet.
I suspect that the VictimCEO from my previous post actually does read things on the interwebz because he got quiet about his need to have me go kill the evil corporation that had "hired me" in my previous post.
I had to reach out to him to see when and if he wanted me to start the war against his oppressors and he VERY politely told me that they had decided not to proceed. It was funny how careful he was to make sure that they didn't piss us off and start the whole process over again.
In any case, that war petered out.
The next one was against a 41 man corporation that I'd seen committing the terrible crime of running missions in Dodixie with 3 - 4 Caldari Navy Raven pilots. Given that my little corp has 3 - 4 active pilots I figured we might get some good fights out of them.
All faction battleship pilots had left the corp within hours of the war dec going active.
2 weeks of war dec fees later, we'd managed to kill an AFK hulk mining in a belt and a completely unfitted Myrmidon. Both of these kills are attributable to ArchVonBaron who either got the tackle (myrmidon) or just the solo kill (hulk).
The only significant movement in this war was the fact that the target corps membership dropped from 41 when we war decced them to 13 by the end of the war 2 weeks later.
Humorous, but far from profitable....
I suspect that the VictimCEO from my previous post actually does read things on the interwebz because he got quiet about his need to have me go kill the evil corporation that had "hired me" in my previous post.
I had to reach out to him to see when and if he wanted me to start the war against his oppressors and he VERY politely told me that they had decided not to proceed. It was funny how careful he was to make sure that they didn't piss us off and start the whole process over again.
In any case, that war petered out.
The next one was against a 41 man corporation that I'd seen committing the terrible crime of running missions in Dodixie with 3 - 4 Caldari Navy Raven pilots. Given that my little corp has 3 - 4 active pilots I figured we might get some good fights out of them.
All faction battleship pilots had left the corp within hours of the war dec going active.
2 weeks of war dec fees later, we'd managed to kill an AFK hulk mining in a belt and a completely unfitted Myrmidon. Both of these kills are attributable to ArchVonBaron who either got the tackle (myrmidon) or just the solo kill (hulk).
The only significant movement in this war was the fact that the target corps membership dropped from 41 when we war decced them to 13 by the end of the war 2 weeks later.
Humorous, but far from profitable....
Long time no post...
Ok... so it's been way too long since I updated this and a ton has happened in the interim.
As I feared, if I slow down on my posting, the task of updating the blog begins to look daunting and then it becomes easier and easier to think "let's just kill things today instead of taking the time to update that silly blog that it doesn't seem like much of anyone is reading anyway..."
But I've gotten a few nice comments in local and see a few of you following here.. and besides, I'm mostly writing for me anyway. I like having a place to look back on the adventures of the universe of Eve.
It's been an eventful place lately. My corporation, HOW has started actively recruiting (contact GenePool Chlorinator in game if you're interested) and we've really been pretty successful in the WHorage activities.
I'll give mini-reports on the most exciting kills, but I've managed to make over 1.5b in loot in the last couple weeks from mostly solo kills.
We've also done a little hi-sec ganking, and while terribly boring (and it leads to ratting which is even MORE boring) can be highly profitable. Unfortunately, I've gotten very few interesting hatemails. It seems the quality of emorage comments in local and eve-mail has drastically declined since the last time I did this sort of thing.
In any case, on to the updates..
As I feared, if I slow down on my posting, the task of updating the blog begins to look daunting and then it becomes easier and easier to think "let's just kill things today instead of taking the time to update that silly blog that it doesn't seem like much of anyone is reading anyway..."
But I've gotten a few nice comments in local and see a few of you following here.. and besides, I'm mostly writing for me anyway. I like having a place to look back on the adventures of the universe of Eve.
It's been an eventful place lately. My corporation, HOW has started actively recruiting (contact GenePool Chlorinator in game if you're interested) and we've really been pretty successful in the WHorage activities.
I'll give mini-reports on the most exciting kills, but I've managed to make over 1.5b in loot in the last couple weeks from mostly solo kills.
We've also done a little hi-sec ganking, and while terribly boring (and it leads to ratting which is even MORE boring) can be highly profitable. Unfortunately, I've gotten very few interesting hatemails. It seems the quality of emorage comments in local and eve-mail has drastically declined since the last time I did this sort of thing.
In any case, on to the updates..
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